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How to Install Imaginality Unleashed Access Portal (for Schools)

Open Internet Explorer and go to www.imaginality.mindspacesolutions.com/school/install and follow the instructions on the webpage.


  1. You can use another browser, however it will take a few extra mouse-clicks to install.
  2. If the .NET 2 Framework is missing, it will automatically install (23mb). If it needs to restart windows (rare) you may need to click ‘Install’ again to continue where you left off.
  3. If you do not want the .NET 2 Framework to automatically install (downloading 23mb over your internet connection) you can do this manually by going to www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB1 5C5E04F5&displaylang=en and following the instructions there.

Notes about your account:

  1. When you first try to run an Imaginality Module, you will be asked to log in or create an account. You will then have to email us as per the instructions and ask us to add the appropriate modules to your account.
  2. As this is the School Edition, every time you run the Access Portal, it starts in a ‘child-proof’ mode that is not able to order new modules. If you do want to order a new module, go to ‘Setup’ and ‘Administrator Login’ – you will need to be connected to the internet for it to authenticate you.
  3. Your account and all installed modules are remembered by the computer, so after installation you no longer need an internet connection.
  4. You can use the same account on multiple computers – if you log in with an existing account the Access Portal will automatically download and install all modules you have added to that account.
  5. Please note that for security reasons, the number of computers that use your account are monitored and compared to the number of licences you have purchased.

If you have any questions at all you are welcome to email or call Eric Woods on
03 366 8234 or 021 051 4804.


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