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Modules – Complete

Fully interactive, comes with contextual information and teacher resources.

    Solar System Explorer: The planets, sun and moon, rotating at relative speeds on the appropriate tilt. In each corner of each paddle relative mass, density, size and distance from the sun is visualised. When you bring any object close to another, both re-size to their relative scales.

    Build the Human Heart: The paddles hold the four parts of the human heart. Bring them together to explore their connections and build the heart. You can also see a beating heart, discover interesting facts about each part and change to ‘X-ray’ mode which shows blood flow.

    3D Multiplication: Visually understand the concept of 3x4x5 by interacting with sets of cubes.

Modules – Preview

Full content, partially interactive. We welcome teacher input/feedback for their completion

    Molecules Explorer – Intro: An introductory set, covering a wide variety of molecules including water as liquid and ice, caffeine, THC, a phospholipid and carbon buckyball.

    Earth Surface Explorer: Each paddle visualises Earth data including Earth lights at night, population, vegetation, rainfall, surface temperature and reflectance. Each is related to the others (population is related to vegetation, which is related to surface temperature, which also impacts population etc).

    Build the Gallileo Space Craft: A detailed model of the NASA Space Craft Gallileo, presented in parts, each of which performs a different task. The student has to re-assemble the SpaceCraft, learning the structure and function of its many parts.

    Explore NASA Probes: A selection of NASA Space probes, including Gallileo, Cassini, Pathfinder (in its initial folded state and in its unfolded state with Sojourner on board), Sojourner and two small, unnamed probes that were most likely dropped through planetary atmospheres.

    Geometry Explorer: This is an introduction to geometry - it provides one example of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 sided objects. Some of these objects are regular and some are not, and therefore there is a good selection of 3D symmetry examples. There are also two examples of 5 sided objects for comparison, and an example of sub objects (the 8 sided object can be thought of as two 4 sided objects stuck togeather.

    Terrain and Volcanoes: Nine paddles display a selection of different terrain and volcano formations from Earth (above and below the sea) and Mars.

    Moon Cycles: Shows why it is that the moon goes through cycles (full moon, half moon etc).

    Moon Eclipse: Shows what happes to create an eclipse of the moon. Note, that in Moon Cycles, the earth never casts a shadow on the moon, but in Moon Eclipse, the Earth shading the moon is the central concept.


::School:: ::Introduction:: ::Modules:: ::Planet Explorer:: ::Build the Heart:: ::3D Multiplication:: ::Molecules Intro:: ::Earth Surface:: ::NASA Gallileo:: ::NASA Probes:: ::Geometry:: ::Terrain&Volcanoes:: ::Moon Cycles:: ::Moon Elipse:: ::Support::

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