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Hold Virtual, 3D, Interactive Educational Objects in the Palm of Your Hand.

Multimedia Introductions:

As Imaginality is a very visual concept, it is easiest to learn about it in a visual way. We have a number of visual ways you can learn about Imaginality in both low and high bandwith forms:

What is Imaginality:

Imaginality Unleashed is a unique product that consists of software and some physical, handheld paddles. It is used with a standard PC and webcam. When you point the webcam at a paddle, you see a virtual, 3D object hovering above it, which can interact with objects on other paddles. Imaginality enhances user understanding of spatial, temporal and contextual information in an intuitive and engaging way that is both easy and fun to use. Educational content is packaged into ‘modules’, each of which can be purchased separately.

Text Box:  Why Use Imaginality:

  • Motivate your students with engaging, immersive experiences that are enjoyable and rewarding.
  • Teach difficult spatial, temporal and contextual concepts with ease in a memorable way.
  • Let students explore at their own pace, supported by structured worksheets.
  • Easy to use: Install the software in only two mouse clicks!

How to Use Imaginality:

Imaginality is very flexible – one set can be demonstrated at the front of the class by the teacher, or students can take turns experiencing it on a single class computer. Alternatively, multiple sets can be used individually or in small groups.

Hardware and software requirements are not too demanding. Requires internet to install.

Product Descriptions:

    User Set – each set includes:

    Imaginality Unleashed Access Portal: Free setup software.
    All modules you buy are added into this access portal.

    Webcam: Imaginality iCam: High quality lens and VGA sensor, high speed USB 2.0 (can use USB1).

    Paddle Pack: 12 ergonomic foam paddles. Light, rigid and durable.

    Modules: Each module focuses on a different topic. See all of the Modules with descriptions, images and movies of them in use here.

Testing Aims:

I would like to test the following things:

  • use of squares in a book vs squares on paddles (I  will make a book version of the planets). All modules (including planets) will have a paddle version).
  • use as one set at the front of the class (teacher  alone or teacher with student help) vs one/two sets at the side of the class, vs one set per group of 2-3 students.
  • Compare use with and without webcam and paddles. Without webcam and paddles, it is simply a virtual world that the students  interacts with via mouse and keyboard.
  • Try giving the students worksheets that encourage  them to explore the modules to find the answers.
  • Experiment with a book template: the teacher - or  student starts with a book with only black squares, and adds the relevant text  to the pages.


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