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Earth Surface

Earth Surface Explorer


Each paddle visualises Earth data including Earth lights at night, population, vegetation, rainfall, surface temperature and reflectance. Each is related to the others (population is related to vegetation, which is related to surface temperature, which also impacts population etc).

Other Resources:

Click here to view a worksheet for this module <currently empty, awaiting feedback>.

Click here to view the information resources for this modules <empty, awaiting feedback>.

Click here to view the curriculum relevance for this module <empty, awaiting feedback>.
However, many items in the
Planet Explorer Curriculum Relevance apply to this module.


::School:: ::Introduction:: ::Modules:: ::Planet Explorer:: ::Build the Heart:: ::3D Multiplication:: ::Molecules Intro:: ::Earth Surface:: ::NASA Gallileo:: ::NASA Probes:: ::Geometry:: ::Terrain&Volcanoes:: ::Moon Cycles:: ::Moon Elipse:: ::Support::

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