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Curriculum Relevance


Curriculum Relevance has not been prepared for this module yet.
We would welcome suggestions and contributions for this.


Relevance in Curriculum: Science in the New Zealand Curriculum (1994)

Learning Strand: <write only once per unique strand>
...: pg xx.

    Learning Strand Level: 2: <write for every level>
    pg xx.

      Achievement Objectives:

      Sample Learning Contexts

      Possible Learning Experiences

      Assessment Examples:


Relevance in Achievement Standards:

  • asXXXXX -


Relevance in Unit Standards:

  • usXXXX -

::School:: ::Introduction:: ::Modules:: ::Planet Explorer:: ::Build the Heart:: ::3D Multiplication:: ::Molecules Intro:: ::Earth Surface:: ::NASA Gallileo:: ::NASA Probes:: ::Geometry:: ::Terrain&Volcanoes:: ::Moon Cycles:: ::Moon Elipse:: ::Support::

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